By Lauren Oliver

Delirium was a quick read for me, and I gotta say I adored it. I loved the world, Oliver created, and how very similar it was to our world as it is now while being completely different. It takes place in Portland, Oregon which is actually one of my favorite places in the world, and it is described so perfectly. I loved the characters, there were some serious similarities between me and the main character, Lena. Oliver captured teenaged emotion flawlessly. The main thing I love about this book, is the description of love as a disease, because really that's what it is. I loved the idea of teenagers being the wisest, the most alive of all because they still knew how to love. I loved the relationship between Lena and Hana. The best thing about this book, in my opinion was that it showed how strong love actually is. People today, they throw around the word love like it is nothing, and in this book it shows how important love is. A real thriller, and a step into the mind of a teenaged girl. This book was great, and I can't wait to read the next in the series!
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