Not Going to lie, Beastly was one of those rare occasions where I saw the movie before I read the book, before I even knew it was a book actually. I have a deep seated adoration for Neil Patrick Harris, so I make it a HUGE point to see every. Single. Movie. That he's in. Just because I adore him. So, I saw Beastly the movie right after it came out. I didn't even know this movie was based on a book, but I loved it. While browsing the shelves of a bookstore yesterday, I stumbled upon the title and knew immediatly that I should read it. I without thought purchased the book, (and Delirium by Lauren Oliver, but we'll get to that at a later date) and went home to read it. The book starts out quick and easy with a chatroom style conversation. It was a quick, and comfortable read. I loved the details, the smallest ones about the characters. I loved how Flinn described Kyle, then later changed his name to Adrian. I loved the meanings behind the names, and the obvious thought put behind this novel. It took me about an hour to read Beastly, the original point of view of the novel. I moved on to Lindy's POV (I bought a special addition by accident) and I loved the book even more. There was so much depth behind the characters. I loved Flinn's thought process. It seemed to me that he was thinking of the backstories of his characters as he wrote, which is something I often do. I loved that we had a similar thought process, and I loved how well developed his characters were. The plot line, was a bit overplayed, yes. I still thought the take was very good. It was the same plot that had been repeated a hundred times, we knew the beast would be kissed and returned to his human state so much better off. Sometimes, it's nice to read a happy ending and be sure of it. Not once, while I was watching the movie, or reading the book did I have a doubt that Lindy and Kyle/Adrian would end up together. I loved how big of a part Kendra became in not only Kyle/Adrian's story but also in Lindy's. It made me feel like there was actual thought behind the novel, planning. Strategic thought process behind a novel. Because the plot was overplayed, it was given three stars but it still has a good recommendation from me. It was a pleasant read, an easy read. It put my mind at peace, and after all, who doesn't love a happy ending?