Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa Rating- Four Stars
This is one of the first books, I've ever read courtesy of NetGalley, and I really enjoyed it. It was well written, and I loved the characters and the plot. Actually, I really loved Zeke, because he's kinda my dream guy. I liked the idea of the rabids, and the odd concept. This is a series, so I am excited to read the next in the series. I suggest you SHOULD read this book. It's amazing. I love the characters, so, so much. So, I suggest you read this. NOW. I don't have much to say on it, because it's one of those books you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO READ for yourself.
Ghost Girl Series 1-3 FIVE STARS
The Ghost Girl series is one of my true blue favorite series that I have ever read. Looks are incredibly decieving, when it comes to these covers. I remember the first time I ever saw this book. It was way back when Tonya Hurley had only published th first book pictured above. I was in Canada, leaving China Town and there was this quaint little book store. I walked in, straight to the back of the bookstore, and I was pulling books off a shelf, and this one literally fell to my feet. I was skeptical, but a believer of fate I bought the book and it was one of the best choices I have made to this day. Literature wise, I sound like I have no friends.
Book One of this series was amazing to me, because I feel no relation to Charlotte at all. And sometimes, what draws you in to a book, or a person is the complete Polar Opposite effect that you have. That's how I feel about Charlotte. I feel like everything in her, is polar to everything in me and that's why I liked knowing what she thinks. When Scarlet was introduced, I loved her from the minute she was introduced into the classroom scene. I loved her spunk, her personality. I love the relationship between Charlotte and Scarlet absolutely.
Book Two was so relieving to me, for a multitude of reasons. The first being, I would be so damn depressed if Scarlet didn't see Charlotte after she passed over. I liked the true conflict between the best friends, and I liked the personal conflicts. I liked how Petula was given another side besides the annoying bitchy girl she is portrayed as. I liked Victoria.
Book Three was a great addition to this series, mainly because Charlotte finally gets a damn boyfriend. Which is important, to me. She DESERVES a boyfriend. She deserves one so bad, and I'm going to be so pissed off if Eric hurts her in the future. I loved Scarlet, and her relationship, and how it continued to last.
I'm having so many issues not giving you SPOILERS. So go read the damn books, and lets talk about it.
Book One of this series was amazing to me, because I feel no relation to Charlotte at all. And sometimes, what draws you in to a book, or a person is the complete Polar Opposite effect that you have. That's how I feel about Charlotte. I feel like everything in her, is polar to everything in me and that's why I liked knowing what she thinks. When Scarlet was introduced, I loved her from the minute she was introduced into the classroom scene. I loved her spunk, her personality. I love the relationship between Charlotte and Scarlet absolutely.
Book Two was so relieving to me, for a multitude of reasons. The first being, I would be so damn depressed if Scarlet didn't see Charlotte after she passed over. I liked the true conflict between the best friends, and I liked the personal conflicts. I liked how Petula was given another side besides the annoying bitchy girl she is portrayed as. I liked Victoria.
Book Three was a great addition to this series, mainly because Charlotte finally gets a damn boyfriend. Which is important, to me. She DESERVES a boyfriend. She deserves one so bad, and I'm going to be so pissed off if Eric hurts her in the future. I loved Scarlet, and her relationship, and how it continued to last.
I'm having so many issues not giving you SPOILERS. So go read the damn books, and lets talk about it.
Liar by Justine Larbalestier-Two Stars
This book was weird, and I'm not even truly sure what was real, and what was not. The whole book had sections about the absolute truth, and whatnot and then the main character admitted she was a liar. It was really confusing, and that's why I rated this book for two stars. It takes a step into both the paranormal, and the murderous scene. This book was a complex map of lies, and was defiantly an interesting read. The author was supremely good at writing, it was very apparent but I'm not sure that the author handled it completely well in chronological order. The concept was defiantly a reason enough to read this book, and it opened my mind to a great new way of writing!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Lovely By Allison Liddelle: Rating 3 Stars
Lovely by Allison Liddelle was a book I either got off of Net Galley or just for free from B&N on my nook, I honestly can't really remember but I liked it. It was a kind of trippy novel in the way that it was written about a gorgeous actress/dancer/singer teenaged girl who wanted to kill herself. She cut herself, and the book had these chapters about different ways of her dying. In her POV. It was so weird, and I loved the whole idea. It was pretty well written but it was incredibly short and the author could have took more time with the actual writing of the book. Props to Allison Liddelle, because it was the first time I've ever read a book like that and I liked your writing style, but it should have been LONGER. Thank you so much.
I've had nook issues this evening, and this review sucks. But go read this book, and tell me you didn't find it trippy because I know you totally did.
On a personal note my finals week is this week, and then summer when you shall get a billion reviews because I will have no life. That's all. Have a lovely week!
I've had nook issues this evening, and this review sucks. But go read this book, and tell me you didn't find it trippy because I know you totally did.
On a personal note my finals week is this week, and then summer when you shall get a billion reviews because I will have no life. That's all. Have a lovely week!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Delirium by Lauren Oliver- Four Stars
By Lauren Oliver

Delirium was a quick read for me, and I gotta say I adored it. I loved the world, Oliver created, and how very similar it was to our world as it is now while being completely different. It takes place in Portland, Oregon which is actually one of my favorite places in the world, and it is described so perfectly. I loved the characters, there were some serious similarities between me and the main character, Lena. Oliver captured teenaged emotion flawlessly. The main thing I love about this book, is the description of love as a disease, because really that's what it is. I loved the idea of teenagers being the wisest, the most alive of all because they still knew how to love. I loved the relationship between Lena and Hana. The best thing about this book, in my opinion was that it showed how strong love actually is. People today, they throw around the word love like it is nothing, and in this book it shows how important love is. A real thriller, and a step into the mind of a teenaged girl. This book was great, and I can't wait to read the next in the series!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Book Review: Hold Still by Nina LaCour- Five Stars
Hold Still
By Nina LaCour

I'm not sure I've ever read a review by someone else who read this book, and I'm not sure I'd ever want to. I love this book so, so much. I found it in sixth grade by complete mistake. I remember the day exactly. I had gotten into a fight with my best friend, my suicidal best friend. I remember the anger I felt towards her. I remember wanting to run away. I remember the rain, and the thunder that was sure to come and I remember plucking this book off a shelf in a bookstore waiting for my mother and curling in a chair to read. It was by complete mistake, I'd just wanted to look at something to kill time and then I fell in love. I remember Seether pumping out of my ipod as I read. I finished half of the book by the time my mother had finished shopping, I bought the book. That night as I read it, I connected. I loved how Caitlin blame the suicide on herself one moment, I loved how she was pissed at Ingrid the next. I knew the feeling. My best friend hadn't killed herself, but she cut and it made me so mad. I felt so useless, I didn't know what to do. I felt like I should be able to fix her. I finished the book that night. I loved it. I loved Ingrid. I reread the book. I loved Caitlin. I loved Ingrid. I loved her beauty. I love her imperfections, and I loved how fucking mad she made me. I loved how I was pissed off at Caitlin too. How I just knew that she couldn't have saved Ingrid, but I felt like she should have tried harder. I read it a third time, less than twenty-four hours after buying it. I have paragraphs of that book memorized. I love it so much, I make a point to re-read it whenever I feel like it. I make a point to read my favorite parts when I feel sad. I loved all of Ingrid's entries. I can't say how many book projects I did over Hold Still. I loved how realistic it all seemed to me. The details LaCour brought up were perfect. The simplest ones made me fall hard for this book. I've never told my best friend how much this book means to me. I slipped a copy in her locker one day. I know she loved it. My own copy has whole paragraphs underlined. Pages dog eared for my favorite parts. I can't explain how much I love the raw emotion in her work. That's really what this book was. Some books are words, some are stories, some are characters. Lacour's novel was emotion. That's it. It was so beautiful to me, still is. My own copy is completely personalized. The hardback book slip was long ago discarded. I didn't feel that the cover captured the novel, or the art hidden inside and I still don't. I loved the little bird imprinted into the book. I shaded it in with pencil. Covered my own cover with drawings. Filled up my margins with words, notes and doodles. This is the one book I've ever defaced like this. It's the one book I've ever felt was better with such defects. I loved the hand drawn images, the creations of my own along with the printed ones. This is perfect. The perfect novel about suicide, the perfect novel about acceptance. The perfect novel about moving on, holding on. Everything. I loved everything about this book. Especially the message, which is different to everyone. Go read it. You won't regret this. I promise.
Book Review:Beastly by Alex Flinn-3 Stars
By Alex Flinn

Not Going to lie, Beastly was one of those rare occasions where I saw the movie before I read the book, before I even knew it was a book actually. I have a deep seated adoration for Neil Patrick Harris, so I make it a HUGE point to see every. Single. Movie. That he's in. Just because I adore him. So, I saw Beastly the movie right after it came out. I didn't even know this movie was based on a book, but I loved it. While browsing the shelves of a bookstore yesterday, I stumbled upon the title and knew immediatly that I should read it. I without thought purchased the book, (and Delirium by Lauren Oliver, but we'll get to that at a later date) and went home to read it. The book starts out quick and easy with a chatroom style conversation. It was a quick, and comfortable read. I loved the details, the smallest ones about the characters. I loved how Flinn described Kyle, then later changed his name to Adrian. I loved the meanings behind the names, and the obvious thought put behind this novel. It took me about an hour to read Beastly, the original point of view of the novel. I moved on to Lindy's POV (I bought a special addition by accident) and I loved the book even more. There was so much depth behind the characters. I loved Flinn's thought process. It seemed to me that he was thinking of the backstories of his characters as he wrote, which is something I often do. I loved that we had a similar thought process, and I loved how well developed his characters were. The plot line, was a bit overplayed, yes. I still thought the take was very good. It was the same plot that had been repeated a hundred times, we knew the beast would be kissed and returned to his human state so much better off. Sometimes, it's nice to read a happy ending and be sure of it. Not once, while I was watching the movie, or reading the book did I have a doubt that Lindy and Kyle/Adrian would end up together. I loved how big of a part Kendra became in not only Kyle/Adrian's story but also in Lindy's. It made me feel like there was actual thought behind the novel, planning. Strategic thought process behind a novel. Because the plot was overplayed, it was given three stars but it still has a good recommendation from me. It was a pleasant read, an easy read. It put my mind at peace, and after all, who doesn't love a happy ending?
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Book Review: The Morganville Vampire Series by Rachel Caine-Four Stars
The Morganville Vampire Series (1-6)
By Rachel Caine

So, little known fact but this is a book series I hold near and dear to me. Not only is it one of the first book series I discovered completely by myself without ever hearing about it previously, but I discovered this book series in 6th grade and adored it. I actually won a contest that the Author Rachel Caine had, and I won a signed copy of Lord of Misrule which is chilling on my shelf, as well as an ipod, bag, and other cool merch. The reason I'm only reviewing books number 1-6 is because honestly, after book six I stopped reading them. Not because the series sucked! I love Rachel Caine, and I think I always will. I stopped reading this series after number six because I'd buy the books the day they came out and finish them less than an hour later. I'm a speed reader, but I thought it was ridiculous because they're so short and only come out in hardback now. I'll buy and read the whole series once it's complete. This whole series is amazing, and they're really short reads as I mentioned before so for those of you that like books that aren't time consuming but there are loads of them, this is perfect for you. The characters are amazing. I was IN LOVE with Shane in 6th grade. I drew so many pictures of him, and I still have a thing for tall sarcastic boys with flippy hair. I love sarcastic male leads, as you may notice and I just adored him. Throughout this whole series, it's really good to read and I think for fantasy pretty realistic. I can see there being an actual town like Morganville. Rachel Caine makes it that believable, though I'm pretty sure Rachel Caine could write anything and I'd like it. The characters are all really funny, and charming. The plot seems so much more direct than it really is. I think this is so true to life because you honestly can't tell who the good guy is v.s. who the bad guy is. I suggest you read this series, just because it's a series that I think everyone should probably read. You'll love the characters, the plot and the romance. There's so much action and humor balanced out by the perfect amount of really sweet moments to make this book series good for anyone who likes romance with a plot. Go read it and fall in love.
Book Review:City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare-5 Stars
City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Book One: The Mortal Instruments series

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare is the first book in the Mortal Instrument Series. TMI Series is amazing, and I suggest you read them as soon as possible. We're not even going to get into how how hard I fangirled over this series because it's really embarrassing. All of the characters were really well developed, and I loved them all. By the time I was finished reading this, I was so excited and distraught and I just had to read the next book in the series immediately. This book is amazing. I laughed out loud, quite literally while reading this book. Jace was almost immediately marked down as my favorite because of hilarious charm, and sarcasm. Clary had a redeeming quality of strength and stubbornness (Maybe because she's a ginger?) Alec won my heart basically the very moment he was introduced. Magnus... is my favorite, let's leave it at that. Even Isabelle, the girl in books who you usually hate for being pretty was so completely down to earth. This book fascinated me. The whole concept was not exactly new, but a modern day twist on vampire hunting. This book was just relatable and lovable. It stayed with me, whole paragraphs even after I had finished it. This is the kind of book that will sit on your shelf, and you will love it. You will take it out and re-read passages to make yourself feel better when you're upset. There's a perfect mix of romance, action, supernatural secrets, and humor in this book to make it show stopping. I cannot wait to finish the rest of this series. Clare has me captivated. I suggest you go buy these books A.S.A.P. and read them. It's completely worth it!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
How can you trust yourself? How do you feel like you know what’s going on? It’s
so obvious to everyone that you’re losing control. You’re making decisions, and they’re
getting worse and worse. The choices you making are pushing you closer and closer to the
edge. Your mistakes are piling up around you. What’s your excuse? Fighting internal
demons? To be blunt, you’re fucked. Monsters, they’re real. They don’t just dwell inside
your head. They live, they feed off of fear. They travel, they run through the minds of
many. Sometimes, when they find someone weak enough, they stay there. They rest. Your
mind, it’s the weak link. You’ve ruined yourself. What you think is hell now, you’ve got
no idea. Just wait, wait for it to get worse. Soon, you’ll be sitting in an asylum, screaming
into the night. What you’ll see, it’s real, it’s as real as the air you breathe. No one will
believe you, because you’re much to weak, you opened yourself up for it. You get to live
with the consequences. Congratulations, welcome to your own personal nightmare.
Could you change the way you think if you tried? Probably not. You know how
when you were younger, you’d see something and it would scare you? And after you saw,
or heard something that scared you a little bit, your mind would make up images, that
were way worse than the original frightening thing. That’s the beauty of the human mind,
it creates your nightmares, it’s self-destructive. It brings your fears to life. That’s how
monsters are created.
I don’t think you could even start to understand. The way your heart pounds in
your chest, the way your palms begin to sweat. People think people are scary, they’ve got
no idea. Demons, demons are scary. What’s terrifying is that it’s the people that create
them. And the fear that you have, the fear that you can feel, the building painful feeling in
your stomach, that only makes it worse. When your heart starts racing, and your pupils
dilate, and you start to fear for your life, that’s how monsters win.
The shadows, I always thought that they were the worst. The dark reaping shapes,
they were silent. They never touched me, they never made a sound. That’s what was
scary. They were silent, they didn’t do anything. It was just the fact that they were there.
Their presence, seeping into the walls. You could just sense it. The room would feel
colder, your hands would become clammy. I’d reassure myself, that they weren’t real, that
it was just my imagination, but what can you do? When the mind is so immaculate, how
can you tell the difference between reality and fiction?
It was definitely unnatural. The shadows, they followed me. I could tell. I
couldn’t always see them, but I knew they were always present. I knew they were always
close by. Just silently watching. Just the fact that they were there, it made me fearful. I
could feel my life being sucked out of me, second by second. It was as if the darkness,
was slowly sinking into my mind. That’s when it started, I believe. The shadows. They
still scare me worse than anything else. I’d rather die a thousand horrid deaths than have
to wait, have to wonder why the shadows were there. What really ate away at me was the
curiosity, the imaginative ideas I came up with. They hadn’t done anything yet, but they
were obviously evil, it was making me paranoid.
That’s when you could say it started. The fear. It was consuming. It was self
obliterating. It was worse than any pain imaginable. Living in fear, day after day. I’d be
doing a simple task, someone would make a loud noise and I’d jump out of my seat or
scream. I couldn’t help it. It wasn’t as if it was by choice. I could feel the darkness, it was
like a cloud, looming over head. One day it wasn’t there, and the next, it was. It stayed,
like a storm cloud, it didn’t rain, nothing happened at first. The sky was just dark, and I
could sense the upcoming disaster. I could taste it in the air, I could feel it with every
breath I took. Rattling in my lungs, the air felt heavier, darker, more malicious. There was
nothing I could do but wait, and I knew that whatever I was waiting for was worse than
the darkness, worse than the shadows. I knew it wanted me to suffer.
Time passed, and I could still sense the shadows. Their presence became
undeniable. I couldn’t just shrug it off as lack of sleep anymore. At the point of
acceptance, it got worse. I started hearing things. At first, they weren’t exactly words. At
first, it was just melodies. Creepy, but not painful. The shadows still loomed in the
background, their presence was unwelcome, but still bearable. For the most part, I
ignored the melodies. They sounded ancient, godly. The way it played, through my head
scared me more than the shadows. I could tell, that I was the only one who could hear it.
At this point, I decided I should probably seek medical help.
I was convinced that I was going crazy. I went to see my doctor, an old nice man,
who went by Johnson. The words ‘I think I’m going insane’ were hardly out of my mouth
before he started laughing. He wrote me a prescription for sleeping pills after hearing my
story, drew some blood and told me ‘Crazy people don’t know they’re crazy.’ What I was
experiencing, I knew it wasn’t normal. Normal people are not often followed by dark
entities, they do not hear singing voices inside of their heads. The words of the songs, I
am sure I didn’t make up. Some odd language, that sounds deep, dark and ancient.
It was the smell of burning flesh that confirmed my worries. Either I was going crazy, Or some type of demon was plaguing my soul. I’d never been one who believed in
the spiritual aspects of life. So I of course assumed that it was my mind. It had to be. The
sleeping pills should have kept me sleeping throughout the night, but I awoke. The smell
of burning flesh so strong in the air that I could taste it. I gagged, stumbled out of bed and
through the house. Shadows were swirling, patterns that were not average. I could feel it,
like smoke. They were drifting, lazily around me. The melodies played loud in my head,
growling voices, dark songs of ancient times. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, it
felt as if it was going to explode out of my chest. And then I felt it, a hand. It ran across
my face, nails digging lightly into the flesh. Slipping down to my throat, and gripping it
I could feel the air, building around me, thicker and thicker. My lungs were
begging for release. The pressure on my throat just got worse and worse. My vision was
blurring. I could feel my pulse pounding in my head as my hands clawed at the air in front
of me. It was my first encounter with the demon.
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